Message from the Principal

Talofa lava Monte families,
The school is deep into their celebration of the Samoan Language and culture this week. Normally, we would have all our community sharing in this learning onsite – but this year you can expect a digital record of the learning that I will send to you all next week. Watch this space!
New Staff Member – We are very pleased to announce that on Tuesday June 2nd we will welcome Mrs Sonia De la Cruz to the Monte Cecilia teaching team. Sonia will be taking on the role of SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordiantor) and joining the Middle Hub Team.
Sonia is a very experienced Catholic school teacher and comes to us from St Mary’s Primary in Avondale, where she taught for many years. We warmly welcome her to our Monte Community.
Term 2 Value: Courage – I have been reflecting on the unintended benefits of “Level 2 life”, and one which stands out to me is the increasing independence and confidence our students have been displaying. Many of them have had a routine of being accompanied to the classroom by a parent each morning. Over the last week they’ve had to do their farewells at the gate, greet myself or Mrs Follows, use sanitiser, and then go into the classroom by themselves. Big steps for some of our little people! I encourage you as parents to think about how we can continue to support our children in becoming more confident in these kinds of situations. We have all been very impressed by the students maturity and resilience. Let’s keep up this great work.
Ia e saogalemu – stay safe,
Sarah McAlpine